Ayanda Zulu: From no background in agriculture to a remarkable Farmer.

Meet – Ayanda Zulu, inspirational Farmer and Founder of Wenzokuhle Farming, a commercial livestock and crop farm in eShowe, KZN, South Africa.

When she started farming she had no background in agriculture. She had to go through different doors seeking assistance from established farmers, and farming institutions.

After accumulating much needed knowledge, Ayanda registered her company and started planting crops and vegetables and later ventured into livestock farming.

“Farming in South Africa stands a good chance at being the best economy vehicle in the future if young people could be encouraged to venture into it. Both educated and uneducated, a lot can be achieved in unison because our parents grew up with farming but had no education background in it. We also need more agriculture colleges and skills training programmes.”

“Farming generates so much money to the economy, but we can’t see it because many of our people still see it as a dirty job.” – Ayanda Zulu



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