Alungile Madolo: From a village girl to a trailblazing Attorney.

Meet – Alungile Madolo, 26-year-old Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa and Director at Alungile Madolo Incorporated.

She was born and raised in Coza village in Libode, Eastern Cape.

In 2019, she obtained a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from Walter Sisulu University and did her practical legal training at the Law School in East London.

In 2020, she served as a Candidate Attorney at AS Zono and Associates.

In 2021, she was officially admitted as an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa.

Instead of waiting to find a job, Alungile decided to open her own legal firm, Alungile Madolo Incorporated in Mthatha.

She offers following services: Civil Law, Criminal, Family Law, Debt Collection etc…

“Opening my own legal firm at the age of 25 was the best decision I have ever made. As an Attorney, I have learnt that one must just be patient. Especially financially! I have learnt that the route I chose needs commitment. One must just take a short break from the world and focus a lot more on building their names in this career.” – Attorney Alungile Madolo



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